Wild turkey forgiven blended whiskey 750ml
Wild turkey forgiven blended whiskey 750ml, Stats: This is a blend of bourbon and rye straight whiskies. It is bottled at 45.5% ABV. It has a nice toffee color in the glass. The bottle is the same shape as their Rare Breed bourbon and comes in a nice embossed paper and metal tube shaped box.
Nose: Initially caramel, then after a while I get a floral scent and faint black pepper. Mouth: First note from after my first sip just reads: “SPICY!” If you hold it in your mouth while trying to tease out it’s flavor, it tingles. After spending a little more time with it, you are hit with cinnamon and a hint of vanilla. But this isn’t an overly sweet whiskey. Finish: Tannic bitterness which fades into a peppery tingle. Batch #303
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